Stunning property located just off of Brewer Rd. in Savanna, Oklahoma. This property has a beautiful hay meadow with several ponds and a live creek running along the western side of the property. Large barn and working pens near the entrance with county road access to the property. If you're looking for a property to run cattle and the option for some amazing hunting, look no further.
This property is 3 miles from McAlester Army Ammunition Plant and a short drive to McAlester.
Presented By: 1907 Realty
Interior Features for S Brewer Road
Other Interior Features
Air Conditioning Y/NNo
Basement (Y/N)No
Fireplace Y/NNo
Heating Y/NNo
General for S Brewer Road
Additional Parcels Y/NNo
Attached Garage No
Carport Y/NNo
Current UseLivestock, Farm, Hunting, Ranch
DirectionsFrom 69 hwy in Savanna, OK
Turn South onto Brewer Rd and travel 1.2 miles to the destination, which will be located on the West side of the road.
Electric On Property Y/NNo
Elementary School DistrictSavanna - Sch Dist (H9)
Garage Y/NNo
High School DistrictSavanna - Sch Dist (H9)
Home Warranty Y/NNo
Land Lease Y/NNo
Lease Considered Y/NNo
Lease Renewal Y/NNo
Lot Size Square Feet3649021.0
Lot Size UnitsAcres
Middle/Junior School DistrictSavanna - Sch Dist (H9)
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